Tip the Mouse In the tiny corner of a meadow there is a small house. Here lives a tiny, whimsical yet funny mouse with his family. His name: Tip the mouse. Here take place all the fascinating adventures that each childs ends up facing while walking the extraordinary...
The Game Catchers The tiny planet Flossy floats in a colorful universe populated by alien children of all kinds. Flossy hosts a very special place: the Game Catchers Headquarters! To help the Game Catchers in their mission there’s Mr. Moustache, a nice alien, who has...
Expo Show Expo Show is an animated series of 24 episodes created by the collaboration of Milan Expo 2015, Disney Italy and Studio Bozzetto, directed by Salvatore Murgia to present Foody and his friends. The series has been aired on the Disney Channel, Disney XD and on...
Bruno the Great Bruno the Great is a tv series created by Bruno Bozzetto for Disney Channel in 2008. The main character, Bruno, is the average man stereotype. Every time he tries to imitate Hero, his antagonist, it ends up in strange and disastrous situations. Credits...